Yeshua's Projects

Dorothy’s Daughters

This project rescues and reaches children in the villages. We educate and place these children in homes for the betterment of their future. 
This project rescues and reaches children in the villages. We educate and place these children in homes for the betterment of their future. 

Sending children to school

Dorothy's Daughters is a program that sends children to school in the village close to Kampala. This program allows children to receive an education when there is none offered. 

Preventing young early pregnancy

Children in the village often fall into very bad circumstances. Some girls become victims of their circumstances and give birth at a young age. Boys learn to live on the street for mere survival. Because of people who are willing to sponsor a child these children have an opportunity to live a different life.  

Rescuing steet boys

Boys learn to live on the street for mere survival. Because of people who are willing to sponsor a child these children have an opportunity to live a different life. 

Crowning Queens Ministry

This ministry brings back the integrity of the woman. Every woman receives a crown after a special ceremony to release the hurts and sorrows from the past and move on in the kingdom as Queens. 

Where its Happening

Uganda Training Center

This project is ongoing to build a educational training center to bring many who have been reached through the ministry to train and bring hope for the future. 

First Chapter Community - India

Ribbon Cutting

Launching the First Chapter Project in Tribal area in India

Tribal People

Ministering in Tribal and Rural India

First Chapter Projects

First Chapter Projects in India

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