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Yeshua’s International University of Jerusalem

Yeshua’s International University of Jerusalem offers accredited degrees through online studies. These studies requires one time a week zoom meeting along with the required classes. Yearly missions are required either abroad or within the country where the students abide. 

A Global Accredited Bible College Offers

Accredited by: Wide Accreditation Commission of Christian Education Institution, Richmond, VA International Council of Evangelical Theological Accreditation, Louisiana, USA, Great Commision, Netherlands, Europe Revival Ministries, Australia International Board of African MInistries, South Africa.

Bachelors Degree

B.Min., (Bechelor of Ministry)
B.Th., (Bechelor of Thelogy)
B.D., (Bechelor of Divinity)

Masters Degree

M.Min., (Master of Ministry)
M.Th., (Master of Thelogy)
M.D., (Master of Divinity)


D.Min., (Doctor of Ministry)
D.D., (Doctor of Divinity)
Th.D., (Doctor of Thelogy)
S.T.D., (Doctor of Sacred Theology)
Ph.D. (Church Leadership)
Ph.D. (Church Management)
Ph.D. (Christian Counselling)
Ph.D. (Christian Theology)

Sign up for online or correspondence courses:

Point 1: If you desire to do ministry and want to be equipped, this is the university for you. Everyone is welcome to pursue your desire to be fully equipped in the mission field.

Point 2: By signing up for this program, you are also required to do missionary work either in the USA or abroad. You will be part of the team of Yeshua's and gladly welcomed in. 

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